2023-12-25 Thank you Thunderbird Non Coding Contributors
What you do is amazing and priceless!
What you do is amazing and priceless!
Understaffed and lacking tools you are undaunted and help customers, write knowledge base articles, cobble together workarounds and work with engineering and marketing. You are amazing! Don’t let anybody tell you otherwise!
Not as tasty as the gone but not forgotten Haru Korean Kitchen but darn good and highly recommended!!!!!!
Despite the naysayers :-) !
Planet rock :-)
Random lines of song :-) Recorded with Aleck Punks
Random lines of song :-)
And many MOAR :-) !!!!!!
At least Shilla is only a 13 minute walk from where we live in East Van so there’s that!!
Sinigang #ForEvah :-)
Chicken adobo!
Recorded with Nura True Pro